a little sewing

a little sewing

Friday, August 10, 2012

Blog block

Alright so I don't really think I ever got the hang of this blogging thing! I read so many others and they look so nice. Other people are just so organized! They have photos and tutorials, little quips of wisdom and all kinds of interesting stuff to share... Then there is me. My head is usually spinning because I have so many ideas swimming around up there! I baffle myself. I do too much, sort of, and never quite enough. I try to get organized but alas it usually just falls to %#{%^]. Some day somehow I will manage to finish what I have started. I will!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My new lIfe

I began homeschooling this week. I think it is going to be a very rewarding experience for all. We have so much to learn together. Homeschooling seems to be more of a way of life than a project or something to do. Everything, as I am finding out, becomes a learning experience. I will learn more about the kids, how they learn, how incredible a little mind is.

Then you start to think about how much there is to learn. How do we fit it all in. How can we enrich the experience so they can see it and touch it! It's all very good.